Thursday, May 22, 2008

In the name of "Love"!!

I make sense, When I write! Yes i do!

This time its "LOVE"

Love is...
Love is a beautiful word, but what does it mean? Many say they know, some think they know, and others give up trying to know. I can't define it for you. Let's just say, I'm a believer of LOVE. You have to define it for yourself. It's meaning is as various as the persons who uses it.
The word love has been used, abused, and taken in vain. It is so powerful that it make some people afraid to try it. So, they journey alone by circumstance or choice. Love makes you naive, vunerable, and some people prey on that. For predators, the thrill is in the hunt to steal, kill, and destroy. They give love a bad name.

Some people try to master it as if riding a bull or a ferrari. For others, they are more choosy, subltle & they use powders & lotions to make things work. Still some try to capture love and hold it prisoner. They fight for it, will kill and die for it. Whether it is for their country, or individuals. They'll say it was all done in the name of love. You can't use love that way. Won't they ever learn? Maybe, maybe not.

They say all is fair in love and war. To me it's like a thin line that has gotten blurred. But isn't it funny how love seems to have more and more tags that follow it. Like, love and peace, love and hate, love and war, love and money, love and country, love and humanity, get my drift? Love can stand on it's own.
Nothing can compare to the love of your higher power.

For me, "Music" is "Love". Thats my higher power!

In my experiences, of this lifetime, the ultimate is the love that strangers, who don't know you, won't judge you by the color of your skin, or the shape of your body, but will go out of their way to help you, give you praise, a hello, wink, smile, a two thumbs up, a pat on the back, an email, a phone call, a hug, and a kiss. And you still don't believe in love? It happened to me, It would have happened to you as well, It will happen to everyone! Because, Love can never be stopped

I didn't write this to define love,
but to try to make sense of it all.
I employ you to open up your heart, your mind and let love in.
I know it's scary.
I know you've been hurt, I have too.
I'll suffice to say, however you define it, it always is and always will be, your choice.
So, either put up or shut up.

Love, Just is!!

Am I makin sense?? * SMILES*


Vidya Natarajan said...

love is something beautiful
it is something like the flower that blooms in the mroning and whithers in the noon, spreading joy everywhere with no expectations.
it is tender like the flowers
fragile like the glass
strong like the iron
cute like a puppy
but then in the end of the day it is all the same thing
u wonder how cud ppl love unconditionally
but then if u get such an opportunity to express love, without conditions, without expectations, without selfishness, take it from me..u have attained moksha, u will be the best rejunuvated person in this world
it is the force of love tht keeps the world spinning

Karthik Ravi said...


I'l try to make more sense next tym!

Vidya Natarajan said...

u did make sense this time too ;)

lefty84 said...

Nice one dude!
Its tough to define love for defining itself robs it of its unconditional beauty.


Reflections said...

wow!!hard to explain...although u ve given ur best!